Swing, London
Kelly with her children on left, Mike holding cat on right
Kelly, a photographer and her husband Michael, who’sthe founder of Exploration Architecture, who specialisein Biomimicry present their apartment, Swing.
Living room inside Swing apartment
Kitchen with breakfast on surface inside inside Swing apartment
Michael, who believes in finding natural solutions toarchitecture and influencing his expertise in biomimicryinto his designs has put his experiences into thisShoreditch apartment. A recent article in The FT talksabout this biological approach to architecture in moredepth and also features this apartment.
Bathroom with bath running inside Swing apartment
Living room inside Swing apartment
Study inside Swing apartment
Bedroom inside Swing apartment
Purchased in 1996, Kelly & Michael completely strippedback the industrial space to its bare structure and createda beautiful open plan living space. They’ve maximiseduse of natural light coming through the large warehousewindows and decorated it with iconic design classics andunique art pieces.
Living room hammock inside Swing apartment
Kitchen inside Swing apartment
Dining area and book shelf inside Swing apartment
Kelly and Michael’s favourite piece in the apartment isthe solid wooden dining table. The centre piece of theapartment was put together using joists removed fromthe stage of the Royal Court Theatre in 1990. Some ofBritain’s most famous actors have walked on thosejoists and you have the opportunity to enjoy a cup oftea on it now.