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What to Do with your Spare Room

It's time to make the most of that extra space


Indoor gym and spa at Where Rosemary Flourished, Plum Guide home in Lisbon, Portugal

It's estimated that there are 18.6 million spare rooms in the UK. In a population of 65.7 million people, those spare rooms would go some way towards solving all sorts of housing crises. That said, most of us don't want strangers dilly-dallying around our home. You may be thinking of keeping that space for any little ones on the way in the future. But what about now? How might you get the best out of the space? Well, that's where we come in. Here at Plum Guide, we've put our expert heads together to come up with this guide especially for those of you considering how to make the most of the extra space. Many of our exclusive homes have multiple rooms, and some of them might even give you ideas as to what to do with your spare room. So, whether you’re thinking of turning that space into a gym, a second bedroom or a home office, we’ve got you covered with all the tips and tricks. Oh - and just in case your spare room is on the lavish side - we’ll take a look at indoor pools and cinema rooms. One can but dream.

1. Turn it into a gym and spa

Are you feeling like you want to expend some energy and get into shape - but are too lazy to go to the gym? Then why not double up the spare room as both a gym and a spa, giving you the choice of either pumping iron or relaxing in serenity. Maybe having both options will encourage you to actually hop on the treadmill too, knowing that you can reward yourself with the perfect post-workout downtime. There are all sorts of complicated-looking gym contraptions you can buy online, designed to fit as many potential exercises into one space as possible. If there’s space, you’ll want a machine for cardio and another for muscle gain. See, we aren't just experts on travel.

Hey Sugar, Plum Guide home in Ibiza

Hey Sugar, Plum Guide home in Ibiza

2. Set up a cinema room

Cinema room in Narcissus, Plum Guide home in Paris

Cinema room in Narcissus, Plum Guide home in Paris

Whether you’re a film aficionado, love sports, or simply wouldn’t mind watching Love Island on the big screen with surround sound, a cinema room might be for you. There’s nothing quite like inviting a few friends round to a show in your cinema bunker, with warm popcorn dished out at the door. You’ll want to get a top-of-the-range screen, and it's definitely worth bringing in an expert to consider the acoustics. How often will you use the cinema? If not that often, you might also want to think about creating a multi-purpose area with a pool table and other fun games.

Narcissus, Plum Guide home in Paris

Narcissus, Plum Guide home in Paris

3. Add in another bedroom

As far as considering what to do with your spare room, this is perhaps the simplest and most obvious option. Think of all those visits from ma and pa, and long-distance friends coming to stay. Set up a bed and some drawers, and you’re done. Consider a sofa bed, if you want to be able to use the room as a cinema space or home office when vacant. You’ll have your dream multi-purpose spare room.

Bronze Symphony, Plum Guide home in London

Bronze Symphony, Plum Guide home in London

4. Make a real splash with an indoor pool

Indoor pool at The Moat, Plum Guide home in London

Indoor pool at The Moat, Plum Guide home in London

Just how large is this spare room? If it’s on the heftier side, consider digging up the ground and constructing a small swimming pool. Granted, this is on the more ambitious edge of what to do with your spare room, but if we aim for the stars and fall short, we’re not doing too badly. An indoor pool is great for fitness and socialising. Add a glazed floor-to-ceiling wall for a glitzy feel, and make sure to employ a specialist to work out the expert dehumidification. You’ll be sipping martinis in the water in no time.

Tern, Plum Guide home in Norfolk, UK

Tern, Plum Guide home in Norfolk, UK

5. Bring the office home

Work from home space

Work from home space

It’s coming home. Work, that is. More people are working from home today than ever before. Set up a desk, and purchase an ergonomic chair to soothe that aching back. You can also get a cushy wrist support, and special keyboards for optimum writing. Make sure your internet speeds are top of the range, and pick up a green screen so you can take Zoom meetings without giving work colleagues too much of an insight into your private home. If you want those meetings to run as smoothly as they would in person, get an HD webcam and a professional microphone. You’ll soon forget you’re not in the office.

6. Lose yourself in a walk-in wardrobe

Inside of a walk-in wardrobe

Inside of a walk-in wardrobe

Cupboard space can be an issue of contention between couples, with each trying to assert their dominance over the wardrobe space. That’s no longer an issue with your very own walk-in wardrobe. Set up a sliding door that grants entrance into a world of fashion accessories (your own). An automatic light, upon sliding open those doors, is a nice touch, while the space will be lined with shelves showcasing the very best of you.

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