Book Luxury Monthly Rentals in Agassiz

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We selected the top 3% holiday homes in Agassiz Monthly Rentals

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Discover the ultimate collection of luxury Monthly Rentals in Agassiz, and say goodbye to all your travel troubles. Here at Plum Guide, it is our promise that each and every home in our range is in the top 3% of homes in its location, so there is no doubting the consistent quality we are able to offer. Secure your extended or short stay today and enjoy the trip of a lifetime in your fully furnished home, with every property on our site including all linens, essential bathroom toiletries, and a perfectly-equipped kitchen. Our meticulous home critics test everything from Wifi speed to a home's design, so you really can trust our judgement. Rent your perfect Agassiz Monthly Apartment today with the help of our team of experts, on standby 24/7 to assist you with absolutely anything.

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